India – Disaster Aid International

Ever think Disaster Aid USA is only a local non profit? Well, we are not! Disaster Aid USA, DAUSA, is part of a larger network, Disaster Aid International, DAI, based […]
The British Virgin Islands- Hurricane

Dan Crawford, a DAUSA DART (Disaster Aid Response Team) is in The British Virgin Islands (BVI) and is doing an assessment at the request of several Rotary Clubs. DAUSA continues […]
Dominica- Hurricane Maria
Matt Gemmell has recently returned from the hurricane-ravaged island of Dominica where he worked as part of the Rotary-backed Disaster Aid International. This is his story. As the mother of […]
Puerto Rico- Hurricane Maria
LOCAL CELEBRITY BASKETBALL GAME3-POINT GAME CONTESTCHESS COMPETITIONFOOD AND RAFFLESaturday, October 14, 201711am-2pm Details:Thomas Pyle Middle School6311 Wilson Lane, Bethesda, MarylandTickets will be sold at the door. Cost: $10 for adults, […]
Haiti and The Bahamas- Hurricane Matthew
Our teams are on the ground now in the Bahamas and Haiti! Disaster Aid International in Kenscoff, Haiti with Rotary District 7020 Disaster Team passing out Sawyer Family Filters attached […]
Haiti- Hurricane Matthew Assessment
Hurricane Matthew has left more than 1000 people confirmed dead in Haiti, already one of the poorest countries in the world and now facing cholera outbreaks from contaminated water. Disaster Aid […]
Ecuador- Earthquake Update 1
Disaster Aid USA (DAUSA) is a member of the over-arching body, Disaster Aid International (DAI) which has associates – like us, as projects of a Rotary Club(s) – in many […]
Ecuador- Earthquake Assessment
The earthquake that hit Ecuador on 16 April resulted in 660 deaths and injured approximately 4,600 people. The most severe damage was concentrated in the North west; in Manabí Province […]
Fiji- Cyclone Winston Update 2
On March 24th and 28th, the DART team successfully completed two deployments of shelter repair kits to the first group of 4 villages on their deployment plan. The have also […]
Fiji- Cyclone Winston Update 1
Our Disaster Aid Response Team (DARTs) is now in place in Fiji. Howard Bradfield (Australia) was the first to arrive followed by Team Leader Peter Hazell (UK), Steve Lister ( […]